Welcome to the Arlington Philharmonic Music Education Hub!
The Arlington Philharmonic is passionate about music education and outreach. Our music education hub is filled with digital content for everyone, from "Story Time" for children through a digital listening library for adults. Each group of videos is designed to connect the concert hall to every day experiences to make music part of our daily lives. Please enjoy exploring our resources below.
Story Time with the Arlington Philharmonic
Listen to members of the Arlington Philharmonic read these music-related children's books! Click here for additional videos.
Meet the instruments of the Orchestra
Watch Arlington Philharmonic members introduce you to their instruments. Children of all ages will love these engaging videos to learn more about each instrument in the orchestra. Click here for additional videos.
What does a conductor do anyway?
Learn about the role of the conductor and even learn how to conduct the basic patterns!
Study with the Arlington Philharmonic
Click HERE for a list of private teachers who perform with the Arlington Philharmonic.